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Did you know that you can get your recommended 3-5 servings of fruits and vegetables in one convenient recipe? Healthy smoothie recipes aren’t just for weight loss, they are delicious and save time too. Smoothies are filling, and they leave you feeling refreshed and ready to seize the day.

Whether you need specific Blendtec or Vitamix recipes, or just the BEST blender recipes, Blender Babes has you covered. All you need is a working blender! You’ll also need to shop for lots of fruits and veggies, so read up on how to choose the best ones. Our copycat recipes add a healthy twist to your favorite restaurant smoothies, while fruity smoothies cool you down and give your body the nutrients it needs to get through the afternoon.

Some Blendtec and Vitamix smoothie recipes are rich in super foods like acai berries, or packed with protein to help build muscle. Muscle building smoothies can be great for those on a workout routine, or just a healthy alternative to dessert or a midday snack.

Cinnamon Spice Cookie Acai Smoothie Bowl Recipe

Acai Bowl Recipe Cinammon Spice Cookie Easy and Vegan

Get FREE eBooks/Downloads for Your Health! Click Here ACAI BOWL RECIPE CINNAMON SPICE COOKIE If you’re looking for a really good acai bowl recipe, look no further! This cinnamon spice cookie acai bowl recipe is easy to make and tastes EXACTLY like a delicious cinnamon spiced cookie! Perfect for the holidays, it has all the wonderful […]

Acai Bowl Recipe Cinammon Spice Cookie Easy and Vegan Read More »

Protein Smoothies Recipes for Breakfast, Weight Loss, Post-Workout and Dessert via @BlenderBabes

33 Protein Smoothie Recipes for Breakfast, Weight Loss, Post-Workout and Dessert

PROTEIN SMOOTHIE RECIPESI get a lot of requests for all kinds of high protein smoothie recipes.   People want high protein smoothies for breakfast and high protein smoothies for weight loss.  Some want high protein smoothie recipes without protein powder using only whole foods, and some want to add a scoop of protein powder. Still others want 100%

33 Protein Smoothie Recipes for Breakfast, Weight Loss, Post-Workout and Dessert Read More »

Dr. Oz Keepin' It Smooth Breakfast Smoothie Recipe from @BlenderBabes

Dr. Oz Keepin’ it Smooth High Protein Breakfast Smoothie by Blender Babes

Try our FREE Superfood Smoothie Challenge! DR. OZ KEEPIN’ IT SMOOTH PROTEIN BREAKFAST SMOOTHIE RECIPE This vegan high-protein breakfast smoothie recipe proves Dr. Oz is still the Smoothie King! Dr. Oz has a healthy smoothie recipe for every occasion – weight loss and detox, and everyday meal replacements. Are you a fan of Dr. Oz’s

Dr. Oz Keepin’ it Smooth High Protein Breakfast Smoothie by Blender Babes Read More »

Gut healthy smoothie to reduce stress and inflammation

How to Make a Gut Healthy Smoothie to Reduce Stress and Inflammation

How This Gut Healthy Smoothie Helps Reduce Stress and InflammationStress affects us in a lot of ways – from aches, pains, and muscle tension to high blood pressure and trouble sleeping. For me, stress often manifests itself as lower back pain and anxiety.Another way I am affected by stress (and I know many of you are,

How to Make a Gut Healthy Smoothie to Reduce Stress and Inflammation Read More »

Copycat Jamba Juice Razzmatazz Smoothie, Vegan & GF

Get FREE DOWNLOADS For Your Health! COPYCAT JAMBA JUICE RAZZMATAZZ SMOOTHIE RECIPE Very smooth and berry delicious, this copycat jamba juice razzamatazz smoothie has a nice balance of bright, sweet, and tangy, with a beautiful color! Made healthier than the original version and vegan, this recipe is perfect for those that are looking for dairy-free smoothies without

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Smoothies without bananas recipes

65 Amazing Smoothies Without Bananas

65 AMAZING SMOOTHIES WITHOUT BANANAS Smoothies without bananas is unchartered territory for many blending aficionados. That’s because for most, bananas and smoothies go together like a blender and a babe (wink…wink). While bananas are a wonderfully delicious fruit that add sweetness and creaminess to our favorite blended drinks, some people just don’t like them or are even allergic.

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