Vitamix Sales!


Blender Babes Live Healthier


Tarashaun Masterclass

Toxic Freedom Masterclass

In this short masterclass discover my 3-step system that helps high stress, busy women regain control of their relationship with food, show up more consistently, and move towards their healthy weight... while still enjoying the foods they love. 

3 Mistakes to Avoid Before Buying Vitamix or Blendtec

Before You Buy a Vitamix or Blendtec (or any Power Blender)

I believe a good power blender is the single best investment you can make in your health.  But for many of us it’s a major purchase and the prices run the gamut. How do you choose? Learn my 3 mistakes to avoid so you can select the right blender for you. If you want to transform your body, health and life, join me for an informative journey on how to buy a power blender that’s perfect for your budget, lifestyle and goals.


Juice Detox Freebie

1 Day Juice Detox

If you’ve been feeling sluggish and you’re struggling with eating healthy, my FREE 1-day juice detox is an easy way to push the restart button.  This detox provides the body with important vitamins and micro-nutrients it needs to refresh your system, boost your metabolism and increase your energy levels. This is a 1-day detox that’s both satiating and simple. Discover the recipes I use when I want to drop a few pounds, flush away toxins and reduce inflammation.

Superfood Smoothie Challenge

7-Day Superfood Smoothie Challenge

Do you want to eat better, lose weight or live healthier? My 7-Day Superfood Smoothie Challenge is designed to help you nurture the life-changing  habit of drinking a green smoothie every day. During this free do-anytime challenge you'll receive a recipe of an awesomely delicious superfood-filled drink to make in your blender. By the end o the 7 days you'll be well on your way to achieve your health goals with a daily routine that is guaranteed to change your life for the better. 

Slim Down Meal Plan

7-Day Slim Down Meal Plan

Kickstart your health journey with our comprehensive 7-Day Slim Down Meal Plan. This approachable guide is designed with the same expertise and knowledge that I use with my private coaching clients. It's not just about losing weight - it's about promoting a healthier, more energetic lifestyle that will help you feel your best. No deprivation here, just creating a clean, balanced and sustainable approach to eating. Receive omnivore & plant-based versions.

Green Smoothie Formula

Green Smoothie Formula

Do you make green smoothies that you have to chug down? Or you can't get your partner or kids to drink any because they've tried a few yucky ones and can't imagine a tasty one? Then you need my Green Smoothie Formula! Discover the exact formula I use to make sure I make DELICIOUS and healthy green smoothies every time.

Dr Oz Smoothie Detox Printable

Dr. Oz 3 Day Smoothie Cleanse

We recommend the Dr Oz 3 Day Cleanse if you have an immediate, short-term need, such as an important event where you need to wear “that” dress or a pair of super skinny jeans, or perhaps it’s just one of those weeks where you feel lethargic and bloated and want to hit the reset button.

DIY Detox bath eBook

5 DIY Detox Bath Recipes

Feeling stressed…anxious…worn down? Detox baths are the ultimate rejuvenator for the mind/body/spirit. This e-book contains 5 of my absolute favorite detoxifying bath recipes that will nourish your skin, remove toxins and relax your mind. And the best part of all? You don’t have to leave the comforts of your home for a heavenly spa-experience! 

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