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Shannon Hoglund

Shannon is a marathon runner, yogi, jet setter, foodie, and mommy. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband and daughter where she enjoys being active outdoors as much as possible and spending time with friends and family. Keeping healthy and fit is a main goal of Shannonโ€™s, along with inspiring others to also lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

How to Make Homemade Baby Food in a Blendtec or Vitamix Blender

How to Make Homemade Baby Food in a Vitamix or Blendtec Blender Most homemade baby food in a blender only requires 2 ingredients. Choose the first ingredient (the flavor) and add to blender: carrots, peas, pears, etc. ย If the ingredient is a vegetable, it must be steamed prior to blending. Add the second ingredient to

How to Make Homemade Baby Food in a Blendtec or Vitamix Blender Read More ยป

How and Why Blender Babes Wants You to Rotate Your Greens for smoothies

How and Why to Rotate Your Greens for Smoothies

  The superstars of green smoothies are the leafy greens – since they are absolutelyย LOADED with phytonutrients, protein, vitamins, antioxidantsโ€ฆ and the list goes on, and on, and on. But there’s also something we feel is very important for you to know about when drinking green smoothies, before you continue to throw your *favorite* greens

How and Why to Rotate Your Greens for Smoothies Read More ยป

11 Simple Tips for Healthy Babes & Gents to Shop the Supermarket Like a Health Pro

11 Simple Tips for Healthy Babes & Gents to Shop the Supermarket Like a Health Pro

  It’s difficult to avoid processed foods with added sugars, modified oils and all other chemicals that we can’t pronounce, and most of us don’t have the luxury of growing our own food, either because of time or space. If you’re stuck purchasing all of your foods and fresh smoothie ingredients from supermarket shelves, read on! Steer through

11 Simple Tips for Healthy Babes & Gents to Shop the Supermarket Like a Health Pro Read More ยป

Skin Brushing – How and Why This Helps Detox and Improve Your Health

The skin is our largest organ involving absorption as well as elimination. Many of us exfoliate the skin on our faces regularly, but the truth is that our entire bodies could use thorough exfoliation on a regular basis. Skin that is clogged with toxins along with dead cells is unable to function properly because the

Skin Brushing – How and Why This Helps Detox and Improve Your Health Read More ยป

Non-Dairy Yogurt & Baby Food Recipe by Blender Babes

Check out our latest Blender Giveaway! DELICIOUS NON-DAIRY YOGURT & BABY FOOD RECIPE Blender Babes Delicious Non-Dairy Blueberry Yogurt and Baby Food Recipe is the perfect alternative for those who cannot tolerate dairy! If you’re one of those people, you’ll love this simple non-dairy yogurt recipe that is super easy to make in your Blendtec

Non-Dairy Yogurt & Baby Food Recipe by Blender Babes Read More ยป

Super Easy Salsa

Try our FREE Juice Detox!ย  SUPER EASY SALSA RECIPE Chips and salsa is everyone’s go-to party snack, especially when it’s made healthy and fresh! This gluten free recipe is a Blender Babes favorite and we love that it’s so easy to make in aย Blendtec or Vitamixย high powered blender! Since these blenders are also food processors,

Super Easy Salsa

Six Super Ingredients You May Not Have Tried Yet in Your Green Smoothie!

Six Inexpensive Superfood Ingredients You May Not Have Tried Yet in Your Smoothies!

Starting your day off right with a healthy green smoothie is a great and easy way to pack in the nutrients your body needs and energize your mind and body for your busy lifestyle, but have you thought about how you can make your morning meal an even healthier one?  Here are six superfood ingredients

Six Inexpensive Superfood Ingredients You May Not Have Tried Yet in Your Smoothies! Read More ยป

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